gofundme running at the moment it's really needed too!

 A friend from high school decided to run a go fund me for me to help me live a little longer. 😁  It's going to be paying for a couple of decent window air conditioners  first and possible some scooter batteries if we get enough. I really hope to get enough for both as my oven  just died too and that part is going to cost me about $75 before shipping.  


 I also have paypal  fleebell@gmail.com   Or  @packratworkshop

I have cash app too   $fleebell

I would be very happy to get any help  I can get at the moment.  I really need some ac units. I simply can't take the heat anymore and  it's really hard to breathe.  I cant wait for this area to start cooling off for winter.  I hope I can finally start getting some of my projects worked on at that point and I have a number  of them that need to be finished. 


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