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Welcome to my new blog site. 

 I had to shut down and due to the fact I simply couldn't afford to run the websites anymore. You can find all the stuff that was  on both sites now on my original website page  It's still called packratworkshop but it doesn't have it's own website any longer. 

   My health situation has gone down hill a bit and my finances have taken a beating because of it. I had to delete a few things from my life and extra websites was some of the stuff that had to go. 

 I acquired a bad case of COPD due to Pneumonia.  It caused some serious scaring in both my lungs.  I didn't even know that pneumonia could cause that.

I am still doing bike projects but I've had to really slow that down too so please be patient with me on updates. 


Lee Bell


  1. I'm going to have to say that my health is still on the downward swing and it doesn't seem to want to swing back up either. In the last few months I've spent about 1/2 of it in the hospital. It hasn't been a wonderful experiences at all. Having to remember and force my self to breath all the is actually kind of difficult to do. I would have never thought about it but it really is.

    I haven't had much go on in the shop since then as I simply haven't been able to do anything.. I did manage to pick me up another little welder from Harbor freight so I can get stuff welded again. . It's a 220v mig machine and I'm still learning how to do that.

    I've also acquired another granny type bike frame that I can fix up and possibly sell but I won't make any money on it. Not selling in this neighborhood though. I would be lucky to break even on it. I'm going to have to stop now with this entry as I keep falling asleep and ending up with multiple lines of one gibberish.


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